Proud members of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. We strongly believe in personal freedom, responsibility, and gun rights. We also believe in the 90/10 theory. That means that 10% of the people have 90% of the talent. Unfortunately, we are not in the 10% category. However, the rest of us are still better than 90% of the politicians.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

More on the Budget

Looks like we're getting closer to a government shut down. The Doltocrats still have no budget proposal, which hasn't stopped them from saying it's the fault of the TEA Partiers that there is no budget agreement. Of course, the Republicans have a different opinion, stating that the White House has refused to lead and the fact that the Doltocrats have offered no real spending cuts has something to do with it.

"Make no mistake, if the government ends up shutting down, it will be because Senate Democrats refused to offer a real proposal that cuts spending and because the White House flatly refused to lead," House Republican Leader Eric Cantor's office said in a memo Tuesday.

Then there's the issue of no clear majority: As talks sour, both sides claim they can't be held accountable since neither has a complete majority in Washington. "It's self-evident we don't control Washington, or we wouldn't be having this problem," Hoyer said, arguing that Democrats would not be to blame if the government shuts down.

No, Mr. Hoyer, you wouldn't be having this problem, since there would have been no discussion at all. Does the phrase, "deem it so" mean anything to you? Because I heard it several times last year related to the Federal budget. The same budget you are claiming would not have been a problem if the Dolts were still in charge. So, yes, the Dolts will be held completely responsible if the government shuts down, because you are responsible. If you had done your job, we wouldn't still be arguing about this year's budget. Frankly, I'm glad you didn't do your job, because gridlock is my friend.

I'm not a TEA Partier though it must be obvious where my sympathies lie. What I am is sick and tired of what is coming out of Washington, D.C.

I'm tired of dealing with regulations that were put in place by a bureaucrat who has no actual authority to mess in my business.

I'm frightened by all of these unelected Czars with too much power and no oversight. (Wherever their salaries are coming from should be the first place to take some very large budget cuts.)

I'm tired of being reasonable. Reasonable people compromise and I'm sick to death of where compromise has brought us.

The Doltocrats are trying to place the blame for a government shutdown on the TEA Partiers, but, Harry, no one with one eye and half sense is going to fall for that. You blew what little credibility you had in this discussion when the best you could come up with to fight the cuts was Cowboy Poetry.

Now we have in Washington a few elected representatives who are willing to do what they were sent to do by the people who elected them. Maybe enough to help.

And to them I say I will happily take the blame from the Schuck Schumers and Stony Whoryers.

To them I say, "Be unreasonable!"


  1. In all fairness, I am a good bit happier when Our Glorious President is not leading anyone anywhere... Seems we hold on to more basic civil liberties that way.

    As for the budget... well, hell, if we want people's attention on the government, it could be the best thing is a shutdown! Of course, the Democrats want no such thing, so they are following the predictable path of casting about for anyone or anything to blame...

  2. Leading doesn't really seem to be one of Zeroman's talents. It's who he's choosing to follow that is so dangerous.
