Proud members of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. We strongly believe in personal freedom, responsibility, and gun rights. We also believe in the 90/10 theory. That means that 10% of the people have 90% of the talent. Unfortunately, we are not in the 10% category. However, the rest of us are still better than 90% of the politicians.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Really, Joe?

The ever fascinating* Joe Biden has, in his inimitable fashion managed to compare cutting the budget to blaming the rape victim for the rape and again blames the Republicans for the mess that is our economy.

"When a woman got raped, blame her because she was wearing a skirt too short, she looked the wrong way or she wasn't home in time to make dinner," he said. "We've gotten by that."

Then Biden turned his focus to the current spending debate in which Democrats and Republicans are fighting over how much to cut from the federal budget.

"But it's amazing how these Republicans, the right wing of this party – whose philosophy threw us into this godawful hole we're in, gave us the tremendous deficit we've inherited – that they're now using the very economic condition they have created to blame the victim – whether it's organized labor or ordinary middle-class working men and women," he said.

"It's bizarre," he added.

Mr. Biden, I take exception to your comments. First, the word bizarre is more correctly applied to your analogy than to anything being proposed by the Republicans in this discussion.

Second, In the 12 years that Republicans controlled Congress, the total deficit was $1.25 Trillion, and the average deficit was $104 billion (average of final deficit/surplus FY1996-FY2007).

Get that? Total deficit $1.25 Trillion.

In just 3 years under Democrats, the total deficit is $3.2 Trillion (almost triple the Republican total deficit in 12 years) and the average deficit is now almost $1.1 trillion (average of final deficit/surplus FY2008, 2009,and 2010).

Are you paying attention? The total deficit increased to $3.2 Trillion under the democrats.

From $1.25 to $3.2 trillion. In 3 years. An incredible increase. And what exactly did the people in debt for this (that would be the American Taxpayers, just to clarify as I know you are easily confused) tremendous amount of money get?

The unemployment rate is higher, Government Motors has created another car they can't sell**, gas prices are heading right through the roof, the cost of a pound of hamburger increased by 85 cents in one week, light bulbs are now either contraband or poisonous, the mortgage crisis continues to worsen...I could go on, but you get my point. What we got for our money is two years of epic stimulus failures and increased government interference.

The Debt Commission (which we the taxpayers also paid for) made quite a few recommendations for balancing the budget, the GAO has pointed out that hundreds of billions of our, not your, Mr. Biden, our money is wasted on duplicate government agencies, and in November the voters made perfectly clear where our priorities lie.

All of that has been entirely ignored by the Administration. That's you, Mr. Biden and your boss. So rather than continuing the tired strategy of blaming the Republicans, may I suggest that you send someone down to the store for a large supply of KY Jelly, apply it liberally and with the assistance of a foot on your keister attempt to reverse the severe case of cranio-rectal inversion from which you are suffering? A little oxygen to your brain seems to be in order.

* Well, disasters are fascinating.

** Except to GE, the new government entity, who have announced they plan to buy 12,000 of them. Of course, they will most certainly take advantage of the stimulus and take the $7.500.00 tax deduction.

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