Proud members of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. We strongly believe in personal freedom, responsibility, and gun rights. We also believe in the 90/10 theory. That means that 10% of the people have 90% of the talent. Unfortunately, we are not in the 10% category. However, the rest of us are still better than 90% of the politicians.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Voting is not enough

The elections last November were a sea change. A notice sent to government that the majority of the people in this country were not happy with the way things were going. But like squatters served with an eviction notice, they have not yet acknowledged the import of that election.

The few attempts at implementing the reforms the majority asked for are being held hostage by the liberal reaction. The liberals have until now apparently understood democracy to mean getting things their way. And they are reacting like petulant children who don't want to go to bed on time to the changes the rest of the public sees as necessary.

In Pima County, AZ there are meetings being held with a goal of seceding from the State since they don't agree with what the rest of the voters in the state decided.* In Wisconsin an attempt the gather petition signatures for a recall of one of the AWOL Democrat representative ended in people being intimidated and kept from signing and signed petitions being destroyed. In Tennessee demonstrators were removed from the Capitol for disrupting a hearing. I think anyone who is reading this has also been watching all of these developments and you don't need me to list every one of them.

For many of our citizens democracy means dropping competed ballots into ballot boxes. That's enough for them. More and more I see that that is not enough. As we see thugs keeping people from signing petitions through physical intimidation, threatening business owners to prevent meetings they don't want to see held, cheering for representatives who refuse to do their jobs, and police and the Justice Department refusing to enforce the laws it becomes more and more obvious that something more must be done.

We sent many new representatives to Washington in November who do have the right idea. They know why they were elected and what their constituents want, but they are being prevented by the dinosaurs in the Republican Party and the Democrats from even offering up a budget that would begin to address this nation's current problems.

For many years the producers in this country sat back and watched the dependents, those who live off the largesse of the of the taxpayers, take charge. We see now what happens when the children are in charge of the household, and it's not good. The adults need to be in charge again.

Voting is not enough. Be present. Get out there. No, I am not advocating misbehaving like the sullen children we see demonstrating, but we need to be more of a visible presence. We need to counteract the belligerent children with an adult presence that constantly reminds our representatives that we are here all the time, not just in November. Parenting has been thrust upon us by the policies in place and we, the producing public, can no longer afford to be absentee parents, we need to become a consistent, predictable part of the children's lives in order to lead them to productive adulthood. Or at least get them out of our basements and off our couches.

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