Proud members of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. We strongly believe in personal freedom, responsibility, and gun rights. We also believe in the 90/10 theory. That means that 10% of the people have 90% of the talent. Unfortunately, we are not in the 10% category. However, the rest of us are still better than 90% of the politicians.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Help for skin problems

This is John Mullen. Mullen was only 19 years old when he stepped on an improvised explosive device in a village outside Kandahar. It instantly took both his legs off.

AMPU-PARKOUR Photoshoot from Johnathon Mullen on Vimeo.

In the months he spent recovering at Walter Reed he shared some of the photos he had taken while there and was encouraged enough by the reaction to take some classes and made photography his second profession.  

One of his first customers was a woman, Sara Damelio, who was looking for a photographer to take some pictures to use in promoting her line of natural skin care products.  

As sometimes happens, it turned out to be a match made in heaven.  As you can see above he has no difficulty getting about, but he suffered from painful stump irritation.

So together they are working to do so.  If you want to help go to John's site and check out Operation Sand Flea.  Buy some of the Combat-Ready Balm, and specify that it be delivered to Walter Reed.  John and Sara will do the rest.

While you're at it, get some for home use, too.  It really is good stuff. And if there is an amputee in your life pass this information on, it may make their life better, too.

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