Proud members of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. We strongly believe in personal freedom, responsibility, and gun rights. We also believe in the 90/10 theory. That means that 10% of the people have 90% of the talent. Unfortunately, we are not in the 10% category. However, the rest of us are still better than 90% of the politicians.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Pondering the big questions

Back in the bad old days I worked in Emergency Rooms regularly and we used to get some interesting patients. As in any profession, we passed tales of the most bizarre, funny or unusual happenings. One of the fellows told me this story and ever since then I've wondered about it.

Seems a woman came into the ED with a complaint of itching in her virginia. (No, that's not a typo.) On exam she was found to have a potato in place that she had been using as a pessary. It had sprouted, which was what was causing the itching. Problem solved, patient discharged. And the rest of us left to wonder.

So, how do you decide? Do you start with the Yukon Golds and work your way up to the Russets?

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