Proud members of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. We strongly believe in personal freedom, responsibility, and gun rights. We also believe in the 90/10 theory. That means that 10% of the people have 90% of the talent. Unfortunately, we are not in the 10% category. However, the rest of us are still better than 90% of the politicians.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Public Service Announcement

I saw an article the other day that stated that 74% of shopping carts are contaminated with feces. More than 50% with E. Coli (hello, they go together). Then today I went to WalMart (a rare thing for me), plopped my purse into the little front kiddie seat part, picked out some oranges and avocados and put them next to my purse and spotted the cutest little guy in the cart in front of mine. I waved, he waved, we flirted...and then I smelled him. And it hit me where that contamination was likely coming from.

Moral to the story: Use the basket section and carry your purse.

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